take a peak inside the GLB spaces some call home

An art and light filled Chateau in Miracle Mile

GLB: How long have you lived in your space?

A little over 3 years

GLB: What makes this space “home?”

I downsized from a large family home bringing with me only my favorite, most cherished things. To me, my apartment is a perfect little jewel box where I am surrounded by things that are loved and have meaning.

GLB: What are 3 things in your apartment that you can’t live without?

The beautiful light and spacious feel. I come up my stairs into the living room and am always happy.

GLB: What room do you spend the most time in? Why?

I spend the most time in my office, which is a converted second bedroom. It is super comfortable, filled with art and books. As I work, my favorite authors keep me company.

What are your favorite neighborhood spots?

Republique, Robata Jinya, That Thai Place, RIP LaBrea Bakery

Rebecca and Neil’s cozy French Art Deco Chateau.

Name: Neil and Rebecca (and Olive)

@cherry_coke_zero @rebecca.brandy.therapy

Years Lived In: Almost 2 years

Industry: Neil- Events // Rebecca- Psychotherapist in private practice

Neighborhood: Hancock Park

GLB: What makes this space “home?”

Neil: Rebecca and Olive truly make anywhere home, but I love our neighborhood and how close we are to so many of our favorite restaurants and places we frequent.

Rebecca: Our entire apartment’s charming Art Deco aesthetic makes it home. I especially love the dark wood contrasted with the wedding cake molding on the white walls.

GLB: what are 3 things in your apartment that you can’t live without?

Neil: the amount of storage/closets, the second bedroom converted to an office, and the our in unit washer and dryer.

Rebecca: the fireplace, the front big bay window, and my walk in closet.

GLB: What room do you spend the most time in? Why?

Neil: I spend the most time in the office, because . . . Work.

Rebecca: the living room on our couch with Olive by the fireplace is my happy place.

GLB: What are your favorite neighborhood spots?

Neil: Jon and Vinny's, Kings Road Cafe (for the iced coffee), Control Gallery

Rebecca: the OG Farmer’s Market at the Grove, Gigi’s, American Rag

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